Emotional wastelands

So this is what it feels like

To be banished to the emotional wastelands

So this is what it feels like

To walk among the living dead

Eating, sleeping,but never feeling

What it means to be


So this is what it feels like

Living with the knowledge that you are dying

Slowly, gradually, yet not really at peace

To die.

So this is what he felt like………..

So this is what it feels like

To gaze on to a land with no color, no life

Where no flowers nod and

Bloom in the wind,no faces smile

And greet, no sun shines

So this is what it feels like

In a land where only grey lives in shades, where misery

Lurks in every nook and corner, where heartache

Triumphs and numbness reigns

So this is what it feels like

To slowly wither away…………

20 Comments on “Emotional wastelands”

  1. Wow! This is a powerful combination of poetry and image that packs the punch of static emotional pain! Very well composed!

  2. TC says:

    POWERFUL WORDS! the emotion here is so strong.

  3. S says:

    In the hands of a lackadaisical stoic insensitive, the ethereally sensitive does wither away.It is inevitable and essential in the imperative process of salvaging the all too fragile soul. Your words sing to my depths, stir something within that haven’t stirred in a very long time.Reminds me strongly of myself when I was young. Powerful words from a mighty powerful Goddess with an unbreakable soul. How do I know? It’s there in the words, the poetry,the eyes ;)

  4. C Rose says:

    Enjoyed the architecture of this piece, the refrain working very well. Nice write ~ Rose

  5. Mike Patrick says:

    Not a place for the faint of heart; yet, they reside therein.

  6. WOW…. Very deep and expressive in its imagery.
    Great, powerful prose.

  7. So this is what it feels like

    To slowly wither away…………

    good lines. I like this quite a bit. Nice work.

  8. Jingle says:

    yeah, I can relate.
    well done,

  9. PremI says:

    Emptiness conveyed…
    Powerful expression…

  10. misssarawithoutanh says:

    When the heart breaks, these feelings you’ve conveyed become daily musings. You’ve displayed the feelings with an excellent compilation.

  11. kez says:

    brilliant words fantastic picture …but ultimately a sad poem which makes one reflect,life no matter how hard or short should be for living ! Thank you for your timely words

  12. S says:

    Happy birthday! :)

  13. clariice says:

    Sounds like a description of depression!
    Eating, sleeping but never knowing how it is to be alive,
    Great art!

  14. Jess says:

    wow. very strongly written, well conveyed.

  15. Leonargo says:

    Powerful, full of grey and dark notes, like a dry wine that pierces the palate. Lovely

  16. Tally says:

    The desolate-ness of this poem is felt, well written I enjoyed reading it.

  17. wow , very well written and I think we have all felt that way at one time or another

  18. William Leed says:

    Well done! Very powerful wording.

  19. Theodore says:

    Hate to be in emotional wastelands because it’s the only place that we learn the reality the truth, that you have been abandoned and forgotten…… and my dear carefree wanderer you have taught me this bitter truth here

  20. LetterzToNoOne says:

    Very true to life. Good job at bringing it across.

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