The descent


It starts with the small cracks

pushes through the crevices, tiny ugly blobs, remnants

of unconscious sighs.

Tar-black and reeking

of discarded hope, it whimpers

snuggling into the wounds

like all the puppies you’ve lost as a child.

In moments of loneliness it whispers

Coaxes you to feed, to nourish yourself

From its dark, dreary milk and

You gnaw, half-hearted

Like you do at cold food

A day too old to eat, but too much of a waste to throw out.

It starts from within

Swirls of disappointment, internal chaos and black, black death

And before you know it, you are all topsy-turvy

Too mangled and ugly for anybody to save

Like a mouse hanging from cat jaws

Like a forlorn napkin, held by a single peg

Against a raging storm.












A careless stab that lands

Upon an open wound, you

Just would not let heal.

As you,

Smiling and calm, bury a knife deep in my belly

Pregnant with love, conceived for you.

You twist

The blade, ever so softly,

In teasing little tugs and jarring little pulls

Your words smooth and sleek, velvet gloved, jagged ends concealed, no one suspects

Till I rouse the goddess with my cries and then

I am to blame for my loudness,

My lack of ease.

Didn’t you know?

Love bleeds out, slowly, softly

A gentle whisper upon sleeping ears

Until it finally departs and leaves

A large gaping crater beneath?

You wouldn’t even know,

Everything you believe to be the ultimate ‘truth’

May not be the truth you see.

I am a catfish, larger than life, not

Without my scales and edges

And you prick me with pins, believing

This is love, wanting me to be

The goldfish that you would have me be.

Your fishbowl tightens around me

Like a noose, as I grow

And I grow and I grow and

Your fish bowl won’t fit me anymore.

And then,

What will you do? Release me to sea?

Or spear me through the heart

Letting me bleed to death in my sleep?

Understanding The Dream


This is my dream

A caricaturized truth woven

In spiders’ web and

Pulverized veins, warm

And squirting, molded

With the flesh of the living, watered

In blood, kneaded

With reality, a dream

Nevertheless, steeped

In the illusion of Life, sticky

Like saliva.

Do you constitute as real, or are you

A figment of my imagination? Worse yet,

Am I a figment of yours?

I do not know and I doubt that I will ever find out

Does it matter anyway?


This is my delusion, this is what I chose,

Trapped in a hallway of mirrors,

Ensnared in hapless eternity, because

There hadn’t been a choice, there had never been.

I dictate your terms or you dictate mine

And it is my decision to accept or reject

Because it is my dream, or I

A figment of yours.

But as all dreams go, we cannot control the circumstances

The instances are inconsistencies that revel in deeper calamities

But I can choose to wake up too early and let the dream end

Dissipate, disassemble, disintegrate to crumbly little nothings

Before its time is due.

For I am but a single drop

In an immense filthy ocean

Of pollution, corruption, unscrupulous exploitation

I dream of emancipation

From this insipid, vapid satire in which

We eat, drink, fuck and fall away

Like flies.

Goodbyes are


Good byes are meant for healing,

For retrieving the tiny bits of self, scattered

Along the milky way that you built inside your head

Loving mirages, a lifetime’s work

Taking minutes to dismantle, the loosened bricks

That had crumbled over the years.

Goodbyes are meant to bleed they say

First in gushing torrents, then little streams

And then in sad trickles turning to drops

To dried canals along the cheeks.

Goodbyes are empty canisters

That you fill with little memory shards

Nasty little ‘could have been’s, those nagging ‘what if’s,

Seal with the possibilities of wasted years and bury

Deep, deep down in your backyard with little twigs of remembrance

As markers of what had been.

Goodbyes are pungent, like camphor

Lingering and sticky, just a whiff

Can paralyze with helplessness.

Goodbyes, those necessary evils, those ambiguous plots

Sudden death, like murder

Distant lightning without the thunder

Whispers without the tenderness

Punishment without reward

A dainty hope to kill in the womb,

A gentle touch to forget

And forgive, if you can.



I don’t want to count the stars,

And wonder at those glistening points

Nor wander through the untouched thicket, Pffft!

Who has time for all this!


I don’t ask for much. Never have.

There is

Simply not enough time, nor patience

For self is the centre of it all.

Minutes fall around me, hours roll

Away, like pebbles

From the hands of a child

But do I dare whimper? Or shed a tear?


Thick skin as they say, like cow hide

Beaten down, so many times

I hardly feel the pain.


Those you love the most are the ones who enjoy watching you bleed. And

sometimes you need to ask yourself

Have all that love been in vain?

Hours roll, unfeeling, just as years have rolled before them

With the heaviness of machines, well oiled

Tired eyes, tired heart, spent and alone watch on


Where did it begin?

Where to end? Should it end? Questions

Those painful hooks, tear into the flesh

I don’t wear white, for it shows off the red

Of a wounded bleeding skin.

Haven’t you heard?

Simplicity is the hardest thing.

Less is more, more is less

Who makes these rules, where do they bend?

Can they bend?

Questions. They know

No answers. Life

Is such, as we constantly tell ourselves.

But is it really so? Who makes these rules?

Where do they bend? Can they bend?

No one knows, does

Anyone care?

Something like a love poem


Oh won’t you stay,

Let the midnight weep your absence

Run into my arms, fall unto me

Like a ripened leaf in autumn, weary

An exploding star, in all your darkness

Your rage, your light, your fire, I admire

Your vividness

Your undefined depths, I am aware

That you are, but dust

In all your magnificent glory.

But oh, won’t you stay, linger on

Like the sting of too much pineapple on sensitive teeth, or the dull pain in feet

After a long, happy walk. You are

But human, and beautiful,

In the way you stand alone amongst your own debris.

Let the midnight weep, let

The skies simper and mewl for your cruel niceties

Butterflies disguised as mice, scuttling around the corner

I see beneath the veil, and still

Stand amused, feeling

Strangely loved.

Walk into your heart people may and

Leave solid footsteps, a fleeting trail of summer blossoms at times

But sometimes all they leave is

A muddied, bloodied mess, strewn with carcasses.

Cleaning up is a bitch.

My heart longs to retire, into the

Cool, mossy embrace of the woods known

The jungle path well traveled, but what use

Is one’s comfort zone but to rot and reek of remains?

A rustle of leaves and a soft sigh of wind brings back your breath

Upon my cheek, a silent kiss

So sweetly wrought

With the subtle pain

Of parting.

Yet I recoil, rewind, wrap myself around me, sink

Unto myself, instead

Of reaching out and touching your face,

Every single time.



Clocks have stopped but time has not

For time knows no dust, it barely sits still

And is impatient,

Like a little girl at the sound of the ice cream truck.

Time is gone, like sifted sand through my fingers, better yet

Tap water, treated with chlorine

Like days in your lover’s arms, like hours

Gazing at the sea. I

Sit impatient, legs swinging

Hitting the sideboard with a dull thud-thudding

An irritating awakening.

Life had been pushed into suitcases, bundled up

Like dirty laundry, tangled and misshapen, I am

Forced to run, run once again

Passport shoved in hand, I protest

I never asked for this. But

Does it ever occur to you that all you get in life are what

You didn’t really ask for anyway?

Morning falls like a burden upon one’s back, yet

Another weight for you to trudge along with, I crack

And bend, but groan and push on

Because we all are donkeys. Donkeys of time.

Nothing less. Nothing more.

Long distance


Here I sit and

Spin hours away, as days

Drag their feet across the floor making

A terrible racket.

You, in your acheful distance

Tug at my veins squirting

Purple blood, blue

With longing.

I pine for you,

You pine for me and

Somehow we

End up in each other’s arms

Sooner or later. Not bad

For real life. But,

Right here, right now

My soul longs, for a scent of you.

Minutes fall around me, like shrapnel

From a splintered dream, if

I pay attention, embrace the shards for a moment of comfort, I

Always end up bleeding, tending

To my own wounds, with

Old rags of memories.

Utter nonsense, this distance

An unwanted boulder, in the midst of our warm, tranquil sea.

A beautiful yearning, yet

A crippling hunger that

Feeds on strands of happiness, falling through the blinds of absence.

This won’t do.

I miss you.




Untitled till September


Yesterday I felt your absence,

Right beside me, like a perilous drop

From which I edged away, fearing for life.

Emptiness overwhelmed, overthrew

What little sanity was left, as

Hip hop beats pelted all around

Like paralyzing darts at a

Sore, swollen heart.

Have you ever felt how lonely, how barren

These club beats make you feel?

Well, you know how this goes,

Every time I look at myself in the mirror I

Try so desperately to catch maybe

A glance of your smile in my own eyes, a splinter

Of a memory perhaps trapped within

From when I last held you.

Well, you know how this goes.

When feelings overflow I throw

Handfuls in the air and catch

What I can on paper, try and build

A bridge to you with words, but

Does that bring you closer? No, but I try.

And there I sat in a lonely cab homeward

Fingers itching, to ruffle your hair

Heart a wriggling mess, scratching itself in a frenzy

Mad with longing, just for a feel of you.

Yes, so your absence gives me words, bittersweet

On the tip of the tongue, but

I’d much rather have you instead.


I sleep, like a log, no

More like a woman, craving sleep

Clutching desperately,

At the last wisps of dreams, breaking

My nails as they flee

I always wake with a start, sometimes

Like the sky falls down, no

Like I fall down from the sky, it is

painful. Sometimes I bleed

Inside my mind.

Floating about mindless

Recuperates, it

Sticks to the senses, lulls you

To a dream-like state

Blissful, and blue, yet

Never satiating

Why must I always wake?

For duty calls, life calls,

No, what we’ve made our life, that’s what calls

It always calls, whispers like the fiend,

Clings to the skin

Like the nasty smell of vehicle smoke, like

Other people’s sweat, after a long day of work.

Impatient tsk’s

Jut into your gut, like elbows

Patience snaps

Is wafer-thin

At this time of the day

Stagger on cocoon-ward, blood bubbles

Toils and troubles inwards

Dreading yet another day

Darkness falls regardless.


Hazy evening

Intervene you must, oh fate

You funny little thing

Cruelty is your second nature, mystery

Being your thing.

Butterflies flew over head, while

Smiles popped lips like flower buds

Eyes locked, intertwined

Knowingly pregnant, exquisitely


You had to make your presence known, didn’t you?


Some sulk in dark corners invoking

Whirlwinds of ominous sighs

While others disappear into the dark, dark night, shedding

Petals of longing behind.

Love is a word that never belonged here, of which

The syllables never touched lips, around which

Tongues were never curled, a word

Shrouded in confusion and feeling, a word

Merely whispered in thought, in secret

In the dark recesses of the mind

Sentiments sucked in by empty vessels of

Thundering silence, inner dementia

Creating illusions, breeding

Dark and pungent


They walk

Hand in hand, in

A parallel universe where

Fate is but a word

That is jotted in parchment paper, blotted

Out by dust,


Beautifully golden, long forgotten

All encompassing dust.

Image creadits -

Mopping up

The city clothed itself in sombre robes

The trees stood silent, leaves no longer

Dilly-dallying in the wind

Respectful reverence, or was it

Petrified fear?

I saw your face through the haze, petrol fumes

Clouded my judgement. You

Touched my hand and smiled

Into my eyes. Cue – this is where I melt, into your arms

Helplessly, aimlessly wander, let you engulf me, liquid

Like water

But something had frozen. I guess I do not melt anymore

It was strange yet comforting, I needed you no more.

Yet words splatter the walls at unforseen moments,

At the absence of a janitor, I am left

Mopping up the walls in silence.

Living inside my head


Gnawing at thoughts these tiny little creatures,

Scuttling all over, pricks sometimes

Those pointy meddling feet, numerous

In composition. Hurt

Comes at unexpected times.

Somewhere drips bleeding, and I

Think to myself that

People are meddlesome insects and I

Find solace only in my thoughts, so

Loyal and so intimate.

Walls have been built and I

Wouldn’t know where to begin to

Dismantle them, nor

If I would ever want to, the

Naive and trusting thing that I am, the

Humble clay walls that I’ve built,

Often misunderstood

For Citadels of pride.


Find my thoughts to be my friends and they

Keep me occupied enough, conversing

In varied tones, I

Live inside my head.

Ode to a muse

My phantom, my muse

You tease me, you test me dearly

With random smiles, a careless kiss from time to time

So tender on my lips, a painful brush, but

I quite like the pain.

My beautiful spirit, you

Have been away for far too long that

The springs have dried up and

The parched land yearns for a drop

Of your bountiful soul.

My sweetest spark, you

Give me words but never stories

Give me notes, but never full songs and

I’ve been waiting far too long.

My animus, afflatus you

Appear, disappear like

The April lightning, so sudden

So startlingly profound that you

Leave me gasping every time.

My impulse, my  revelation, you

Dearest darling child who

Tugs at a heart string and runs away

And hides behind a dream, my

Ruthless, gentle child.



I remember those

Rainy September afternoons when

Wind brought you in

Like a whisper, lingering

In candied gasps

All enveloping.


Apple pie baking,

Spicy golden fragrance, reminiscent

Of tinsel and Christmas

Decorations, first

And foremost, tasted with nose

And then by tongue.


 And you

Bringing in, an armful of smiles

Staggering with the weight

Of joy.



Beating down on the windows then


Like the calming heartbeat

After a happy run in the sun.



A shining warmth, a

Sprinkling of sugar,


On a freshly baked bun.  


Dilly-dallying leaves floating

Earthwards, frolicking

In the tempest, evoked

By the muffled rain

Smell of fresh wood, wafting

Drifting, circling

In a note of music, each word uttered

Turning into luscious persistent



Sweet tea made with just

The right amount of love, warming

From the inside and you

Taking over, my soul

And my mind and I

Smiling at the thought, feeling silly

Yet warm, from the glow

Of your beatifying love.

